Remodeling Leadership
Quantum modeling of Wise Leadership
Quantum modeling, Social scientific study of leadershipAbstract
Since the late 90s a paradigm shift began in decision research that has implications for leadership research. Due to the limitations of standard decision theory (based on Kolmogorovian/Bayesian decision theory) scholars began to build a new theory based on the ontological and epistemological foundations of quantum mechanics. The last decade has witnessed a surge in quantum-like modeling in the social sciences beyond decisionmaking with notable success. Many anomalies in human behavior, viz, order effects, failure of the sure thing principle, and conjunction and disjunction effects are now more thoroughly explained through quantum modeling. The focus of this paper is, therefore, to link leadership with quantum modeling and theory. We believe a new paradigm can emerge through this wedding of ideas which would facilitate better understandings of leadership. This article introduces readers to the mathematical analytical processes that quantum research has developed that can create new insights in the social scientific study of leadership.
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